4 Places You Should Be Publishing Your Content Other Than Your Blog
After spending so much time and effort crafting a perfect blog post, you may be ready to call it a day.
But if you don’t make an effort to reach new audiences on other platforms, you’ll limit your reach and your ability to gain traffic to your blog. By posting your content to these sites, you’ll increase the number of users who will stumble onto your content who may have never heard of you otherwise. Every additional place you post will increase your potential exposure. And that can only be a good thing!
So here are six places that you should be posting content to both help build your blog and improve your professional reputation.
1. LinkedIn
Chances are, you already have a LinkedIn profile. Fifty percent of college-educated Americans are already on the site. Even better, 45% of LinkedIn’s users are in upper management. So by posting your content to the site, you can get your name and expertise in front of the decision-makers in your industry.
When you post content to LinkedIn, your article will be shared with your connections and the people who follow you — subject to the algorithm, of course. Make sure your post visibility is set to public so it can reach the largest number of people.
Another benefit — LinkedIn posts are searchable by keyword and easily shared. Make sure to add hashtags to your post to make it easier to find. You can research hashtags by typing them into the search bar. Check how many users are following those hashtags, and use some popular (and appropriate) tags on your content to get it in front of more people.
2. Quora
Quora calls itself “…a place to gain and share knowledge.” It’s a question and answer website where users are both the askers and the answerers. There are 300 million active monthly users, including 35% of Americans.
Fifty-four percent of Quora users have an annual income of over $100,000. So it’s a good idea to position yourself as an industry authority in front of this audience with such high purchasing power.
Search the site for questions that are relevant to your industry. When you find a good question, check out its “Question Stats.” This includes how many followers the question has, and the number of total views. If it’s a popular question, use it as inspiration for a high-quality blog post. Then post highlights from your blog post as an answer to the question on Quora. Include a link directing people back to your blog for the full post.
This way, you can get extra traffic back to your blog!
3. Facebook
Everyone knows that Facebook is the 500-pound gorilla of social networking. Almost 2.5 billion monthly users make it the most popular social media site by far. If you’re not publishing original content and links to your blogs on your Facebook page, you’re making a mistake.
There may some talk about organic engagement on Facebook dropping. But it’s still the number one place that people go to get information about a company or entrepreneur. There’s nothing like a dead Facebook page to make potential customers or colleagues doubt whether you’re still active in your industry.
4. SlideShare
SlideShare is a site that lets users share presentations and slideshows with its 80 million monthly visitors. It’s a subsidiary of LinkedIn.
The benefit to SlideShare is it provides a perfect platform for repurposing your content. After you’ve written a great blog post, you can repackage that same information into a PowerPoint or Google Slides presentation and upload it to SlideShare. This way, you can get additional views on the same information that you’ve already collected.
Since the research has already been done, you may even be able to outsource the creation of the slideshow to a freelancer, saving you time.
SlideShare is a great way to reach people who are on the hunt for information in small, digestible bites, instead of a long blog post. If people like you on SlideShare, they can follow you to get easy access to your future posts.
A Note About Your Blog Posts…
Remember that when you post to any of these places, you don’t have control over the platform. It’s possible that one day, one of them could go belly up — and then all of your hard work on that site goes away.
That’s why these sites should be used as supplements to a blog that you own and control — not instead of one. And make sure you save personal copies of all of your articles. That way if one of these sites does disappear, you can republish your content on another one without having to rewrite it.
If you need help creating content, deciding which of these sites is the best platform to share your blog, or have any other digital marketing questions, contact the Local Search Essentials team at 904-823-9747. We’ll make sure you’re on the right track!
Now, get sharing!